Professional Generator Supplier
The automatic control system of the diesel generator set can also realize remote monitoring


30 2021

The automatic control system of the generator domestic can also realize remote monitoring

In order to ensure the normal operation of the equipment, the normal power supply of the equipment must be ensured first. The automatic control system of perkins generator list and series can realize the following functions: when the power grid is normal, the instruments and equipment are supplied by the power grid; When the power grid is abnormal, start the silent residential generators immediately and supply power by the diesel generator set; When the power grid returns to normal, restore the power supply of the power grid and shut down the diesel generator set. The system can also communicate with the host computer to realize remote monitoring. In this system, the analog quantities of frequency, voltage, current and battery voltage of power grid and diesel generator need to be measured at the same time, and the communication between control and display board, control board and microcomputer should also be realized. 

Three timers (counters) TMR0 \ tmr1 \ tmr2 in plc16c74 single chip microcomputer can be used to realize timing, and two capture / comparison / pulse width modulation ports are used for frequency measurement, The A / D port in the chip is used to measure analog quantities such as voltage and current, the synchronous serial port can be used for the communication between the control board and the display board, and the asynchronous serial communication port (SC1) it can realize the communication between the control board and the microcomputer. 

Therefore, plc16c74 single chip microcomputer is selected as the core of the control system in the system, which makes the hardware of the control system relatively simple. At the same time, because the instructions of PLC series single chip microcomputer are single byte instructions, and have internal power on reset circuit, internal power off locking circuit and watchdog timer, which greatly improves the reliability of the system 

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