
25 2022

Automatic transfer switching apparatus, abbreviated as ATSE, is the abbreviation of automatic transfer switching equipment and also abbreviated as ATS in daily life. It is a switching apparatus that can automatically change the load from one power supply to another, so as to ensure the continuous and reliable operation of important loads.

ATS classification

ATS classification 1 Diagram medium voltage switching principle and mode refer to 2531

 See 3328 for the introduction of mains power in the graphic data center

 ATS generally consists of two parts: switch body and controller; According to the switch body, it can be divided into PC level or CB level. Figure 2771 battery failure cases

 PC level generally adopts integrated structure. It is an ATS that can connect and carry, but not used to break short-circuit current. It illustrates chaifa IV - fuel supply system 2227

 It is a special monthly switch for dual power switching. It has the advantages of simple structure, fast conversion speed, safety and reliability

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